Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Where You'll Find Me

If you come looking for me,
Or shoot me a text,
Or send me an email,
Or try to play Words with Friends with me,
You just might think I'm ignoring you ...
But I'm not.

On Wednesday nights I shut everything down.
For a few hours I'm closed to off to the world ...
except for our Renew Students and leaders.

Even my own kids get put in their own classes,
and I ask that they now show back up until our service is over!
It's the few hours a week that our students get me
without interruption. To worship, talk, pray. I love it!

Tonight (right before I knew I had to get East from his class) a girl raised her hand to accept Christ. I checked my phone
for the time and thought "I've got time. I can do it!"
So I rushed over to her and we talked for a few moments
and then she allowed me to lead her in the sinners prayer.
Never gets old, Never gets old.

I also enjoy the fact I get to sit under my husbands
preaching and teaching. He's seriously got the gift for it.
And I'm not just saying that cause I'm married to him.
He's honestly my favorite pastor.
He doesn't just speak flying by the seat of his pants.
I see the time, research, prayer and heart that he
puts in to what he puts out.
It's good stuff. Really good stuff.
Need proof?
Here's my notes from tonight.

So, anyway. Next time you might need me
on a Wednesday night, you know where to find me!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog!! Blessed by your post!! What a testimony and example to your children!! Sometimes its hard to stop the world in order to spend the necessary time doing what you are called to do...awesome that you do what you do!
