Saturday, September 4, 2010

Excuses, Excuses

I could try and "explain" the reason I'm 8 1/2 hours late on posting this blog. You remember The Challenge, right?

Here we go:

I could tell you that I woke up early yesterday and took the kids to co-op. While I was there I helped teach 3rd and 4th graders zoology. And then went to help teach music to 4 and 5 year olds.

I could tell you that immediately from getting home we loaded up the car and headed to Orange Beach for a family reunion. Here's the view from our balcony.

I could tell you that after we spent $60 on dinner, for three of us, I went into a slight coma.

I could tell you that I was forced into doing this till 2 AM.

 I could tell you that between my sister-in-law and us, we have 5 children to take care of - while on the 5th floor of the condo (without locks or screens on the windows). So, my mind was a little occupied.

Don't you feel sorry for me yet? :)

BUT ... I'm not gonna make an excuse.
I'm gonna politely ask for a little grace.
So, please forgive me for being 8 1/2 hours late!

I'll call it a half-fail. How about you?

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