As most of you know, our sweet Ella is here!
Her birth story and journey to us is not anything we expected or could have imagined.
But it was perfect.
There is so much to share. And there are some details that will be hers to keep.
But the beautiful ending is that she is now and forever a Henderson :)
I can't wait until we can get clearance to come and get into a routine! And so that we can sit down and divulge all the sweet details of our girl!
Until then, we would like to ask you for one last push.
Since our sweet girl was unexpected in the most beautiful way, we had not finished raising all of the funds needed for the entire adoption process.
We have a remaining $8500 to finalize the adoption.
Here's how you can help ....
We have numbers on a sticky 1 - 150. And we are asking that you pick and number and donate that number amount. When you choose a number, the sticky comes off the wall. You can donate a few ways: Paypal by choosing "donate to friends and family" and using the email OR you can donate at
With each donation, please send us your mailing address. We have a self addressed note we want to mail to you. This will be a short note for you to write to our Ella. We feel like your words will speak life to her one day and she will know how much she was loved and prayed for!
We love you all and cannot thank you enough for your love, prayers and support the entire way through this!